Apache Maven Download For Mac Rating: 3,6/5 443 reviews
  • This post will explain steps to install Apache Maven & setup Apache Maven environment variables in Linux, Solaris & Mac OS X operating systems. Steps to Install & Setup Apache Maven on Linux (distributions like RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora), Solaris & Mac OS X Step 1. Download the Apache Maven binary.
  • Now I have a folder called apache-maven-3.3.9, and if I open it up, I'll see there's a bin folder, a boot folder, a conf folder, and a lib folder. At this point, I've completed my download. The instructions for using Maven depends on whether you're running a Windows machine or a Mac OS or Linux machine.
  • Apache maven free download - Maven, Apache OpenOffice, Apache, and many more programs. AVG AntiVirus for Mac. View all Mac apps. Popular Android Apps TubeMate 3.
Active2 years, 3 months ago

I have maven3.1.1 and maven3.2.5 installed on my mac.

Download apache maven from here. Extract the maven archive file (like apache-maven-3.3.1-bin.tar.gz) to the location where we want to install it. Add maven environment variables. To install Maven on Mac OS X operating system, download the latest version from the Apache Maven site, select the Maven binary tar.gz file, for example: apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz. Extract the archive to your desired location. I have maven3.1.1 and maven3.2.5 installed on my mac. When I do mvn -version it shows maven3.1.1 How can I switch to the other maven version 3.2.5?

When I do mvn -version it shows maven3.1.1

How can I switch to the other maven version 3.2.5 ?

4571 gold badge7 silver badges24 bronze badges

4 Answers

Your Current bash profile would be pointing to the maven version 3.1.1 as shown below


export M2_HOME=/Users/yourusername/apache-maven-3.1.1 (Path where you have installed maven 3.1.1)export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin

Change the bash profile as shown below


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export M2_HOME=/Users/yourusername/apache-maven-3.2.5 (Maven 3.2.5 path)export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin

Restart the terminal and hit command mvn -version and now it will be pointing to the latest version.

Clement AmarnathClement Amarnath
3,8641 gold badge12 silver badges24 bronze badges

Another way to create a soft link. Suppose you have two version like -

maven-v1 and

Now if you want to use maven-v1 then create a soft link -

Then in your .bash_profile export M2_HOME pointing this directory -

If you are doing this at first time then you need to restart your terminal.But after that you just need to change the soft link to you expected version. Suppose, now you want to use maven-v2; just change the existing soft link -

Now you don't need to restart the terminal.


Apache Maven Download For Mac Torrent

7,9439 gold badges35 silver badges64 bronze badges

Using SDKMan might be a simpler way to switch between multiple Maven versions.

1) Install SDKMan which is a one-off thing: http://sdkman.io/install.html

2) Do sdk install maven yourVersion

3) To switch: sdk install maven anotherVersion

4) To switch again: sdk use maven yourVersion

SDKMan should simplify such operations for several other software frameworks like Java, Groovy, Spring, Gradle, etc.

3,9174 gold badges22 silver badges37 bronze badges

In your ~/.bash_profile

Download the tar of the maven version you want to use and extract the contents you want to use. Example Maven 3.1.1

If you have zsh, then change the ~/.zprfile


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Downloading Apache Maven 3.6.1

Apache Maven 3.6.1 is the latest release and recommended version for all users.

The currently selected download mirror is http://mirrors.ae-online.de/apache/. If you encounter a problem with this mirror, please select another mirror. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors (at the end of the mirrors list) that should be available. You may also consult the complete list of mirrors.

System Requirements

Java Development Kit (JDK)Maven 3.3+ require JDK 1.7 or above to execute - they still allow you to build against 1.3 and other JDK versions by Using Toolchains
MemoryNo minimum requirement
DiskApproximately 10MB is required for the Maven installation itself. In addition to that, additional disk space will be used for your local Maven repository. The size of your local repository will vary depending on usage but expect at least 500MB.
Operating SystemNo minimum requirement. Start up scripts are included as shell scripts and Windows batch files.


Maven is distributed in several formats for your convenience. Simply pick a ready-made binary distribution archive and follow the installation instructions. Use a source archive if you intend to build Maven yourself.

In order to guard against corrupted downloads/installations, it is highly recommended to verify the signature of the release bundles against the public KEYS used by the Apache Maven developers.

Binary tar.gz archiveapache-maven-3.6.1-bin.tar.gzapache-maven-3.6.1-bin.tar.gz.sha512apache-maven-3.6.1-bin.tar.gz.asc
Binary zip archiveapache-maven-3.6.1-bin.zipapache-maven-3.6.1-bin.zip.sha512apache-maven-3.6.1-bin.zip.asc
Source tar.gz archiveapache-maven-3.6.1-src.tar.gzapache-maven-3.6.1-src.tar.gz.sha512apache-maven-3.6.1-src.tar.gz.asc
Source zip archive apache-maven-3.6.1-src.zipapache-maven-3.6.1-src.zip.sha512apache-maven-3.6.1-src.zip.asc
  • Distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0

Apache Maven Download For Mac

Previous Releases

Apache Maven 3.3.9 Download

It is strongly recommended to use the latest release version of Apache Maven to take advantage of newest features and bug fixes.

Apache Maven 3.5.4 Download

If you still want to use an old version you can find more information in the Maven Releases History and can download files from the archives for versions 3.0.4+ and legacy archives for earlier releases.