The Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) + Photran is the platform I use to develop Fortran code on Linux (in combination with vim). At the time of this writing, it is (in my opinion) the best platform for Fortran code development, due its advanced features for refactoring.
One quirk I found was that it's not intuitive to create a split window in Eclipse (I was looking for a splitter button but did not find any). Googling brought me here: from the Window menu, choose New Editor and drag the newly created window to the place where you want it.
The following shows the steps taken to install the Eclipse IDE on the various systems I have used. I recommend the binary download from the Eclipse website because all that is required is to unzip the .tar.gz package. No compiling necessary (or ./configure && make && make install) as it is in java. Transferring the install to a new machine is as simple as copying the folder over (I did this when transferring from Mac OS X Leopard to Snow Leopard. Upgrading from Lion to Mountain Lion required no recompilation. I assume this applies to Windows/Linux as well.). Download the Eclipse IDE for
parallel application developers (for Eclipse Juno or later) which comes with Photran included.
Mac OS X
Unzip the copy of Eclipse IDE that was just downloaded:
tar -xzf $DOWNLOADS/eclipse-parallel-juno-SR1-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz
cd eclipse
Adding Photran to an existing Eclipse Installation on Mac OS X
*note: this only applies if you did not download Eclipse for parallel application developers (which already includes Photran).
For more details, see the Photran 7.0 installation guide or the Photran 6.0 User's guide /Advanced Guide:
2. Click on the 'Add..' button
3. In the Location field, type (this is for Eclipse Helios) and click OK to close the dialog.
4. Expand the category 'Fortran Development Tools (Photran)' and check the box next to the 'Fortran Development Tools (Photran)' entry as well as the 'Rephraser Engine End-User Runtime'.
5. Click on the 'Next' button. Reconfirm the options chosen by clicking 'Next' again.
6. Agree to the license to complete the installation.
7. Restart Eclipse (when asked). You will be asked to choose a location for your workspace.
8. [optional] To enable conversion of tabs to spaces, go to Preferences in the menu bar. Under General, expand Editors, and select Text Editors. Check the box for 'Insert spaces for tabs' to have Eclipse automatically convert Tabs to spaces. Note that this will only apply to new tabs that you type; it will not change your existing files'
9. Set the path the correct gfortran compiler: [see the additional instructions for Mac OS X here].
Uninstalling the Eclipse IDE on Mac OS X (and probably Linux)
rm -rf eclipse/#or wherever you specified your Eclipse installation to be
rm -rf $HOME/workspace/.metadata #or wherever you specified your Eclipse workspace directory to be
rm -rf $HOME/workspace/ #if you want to delete your Eclipse projects as well
Linux - Centos
Installation using yum (not the latest version)
su -c 'yum install eclipse-*'
Installing Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) on Centos [Eclipse guide]
Download the latest version of the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) from here:su -c 'yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64' #Note: Java 1.5 and above required.
tar -xzf eclipse-linuxtools-helios-incubation-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
cd eclipse/
./eclipse #choose ~/proj/eclipse as installation folder.
Adding Photran 6.0 to Eclipse 3.6 (above)*note: this only applies if you did not download Eclipse for parallel application developers (which already includes Photran).
1. Click on Help > Install New Software..
2. Click on the 'Add..' button
3. In the Location field, type
4. Click OK to close the Add Site dialog. This will return you to the Install dialog.
5. Expand the category 'Fortran Development Tools (Photran)' and check the box next to the 'Fortran Development Tools (Photran)' entry in it
If you are running Linux and have the Intel Fortran Compiler installed, or if you are on a Macintosh and have the IBM XL Fortran compiler installed, expand 'Fortran Compiler Support' and select the appropriate compiler. Note that you cannot install Intel Fortran compiler support unless you are running Linux!
6. Click on the 'Next' button
7. If you get an error message, see below for troubleshooting information.
8. Click the Finish button and agree to the license to complete the installation.
9. Restart Eclipse (when asked).
[10]. 'To enable conversion of tabs to spaces, go to Window > Preferences in the menu bar. Under General, expand Editors, and select Text Editors. Check the box for 'Insert spaces for tabs' to have Eclipse automatically convert Tabs to spaces. Note that this will only apply to new tabs that you type; it will not change your existing files'
+ TeXlipse [link]
1. Help > Install New Software Add:
TeXlipse Update Site
Note: the epel and rpmforge repositories were already enabled on my system, and the tetex-related packages were installed as follows:
su -c 'yum install kdegraphics.x86_64' #[base][37MB], dependencies: [base]htdig, [updates]kdebase
su -c 'yum install tetex-doc.x86_64' #[updates][51MB], no dependencies
su -c 'yum install kbibtex.x86_64' #[rpmforge][3.3MB], no dependencies
su -c 'yum install tetex-xdvi.x86_64' #already installed
su -c 'yum install tetex-elsevier.noarch' #[epel][332k], no dependencies
su -c 'yum install tetex-IEEEtran.noarch' #[epel][1.0MB], no dependencies
su -c 'yum install tetex-fonts.x86_64 tetex-dvips.x86_64 tetex.x86_64' #already installedLinux - UbuntuOpenJDK Installation
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
gksudo gedit /etc/eclipse/java_home
on a line right before /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj, type the following: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk'
Eclipse 3.4 Installation
mkdir ~/opt
tar -xvf eclipse-SDK-3.4.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz && mv eclipse ~/opt
mkdir ~/bin
vi ~/bin/eclipse #and add the following
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/usr/lib/mozilla/'
export ECLIPSE_HOME='$HOME/opt/eclipse'
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
chmod +x ~/bin/eclipse
~/bin/eclipse#executes Eclipse